Tikkun 4 Learning
The potential 4Change is built upon a firm foundation of understanding who we are and where we have come from. Our programs for children in grades K - 6 and their parents provide the building blocks to a strong Jewish identity. At Tikkun, students learn about Jewish tradition, values, text, holidays, and more, through various modalities and experiences.
By focusing on individual stories, each student will understand that through their Jewish journey and Jewish values, that they can make a difference in this world.
At Tikkun, your child will have the opportunity to:
learn from exceptional Jewish educators whose focus is your child and their experience.
build personal connections with their classmates, their teachers and Rabbi Lutz in small home-based groups.
learn with you in well-designed family programs and experiences.
"practice" their learning as they engage in activities and celebrations in the community.
develop Hebrew skills both for bar/bat mitzvah and for their lifelong participation in the Jewish community.
participate in regular social action with local service agencies.
receive individualized, online Hebrew instruction (grades 3 - 6.)
And all at an affordable cost*: we are a community without walls. Literally. Therefore we are able to focus on personal connections, individual care and concern for the world around us rather than on the costs of keeping a building open.
Here is a little taste ...

Grades K - 2
In our K-2 class, we have three learning goals:
1. To experience the sweetness of being Jewish together
2. To learn about the Jewish holidays throughout the year
3. To begin to recognize the importance of Jewish values in our world
Our K-2 class will experience the year through the Jewish holidays. With each holiday, students will engage with the story, experience the symbols, rituals, and food, and talk about Jewish values that are at the center of each holiday.
Grades 3 - 6
All 3 - 6 grade Hebrew students will receive a weekly 30-minute individual, online tutoring session with one of our amazing teachers.
Our Hebrew curriculum focuses not only on necessary prayer decoding skills, but also the very necessary conceptual and theological underpinnings of prayer as well as the structure of the prayer book. Therefore, learners will not only be able to read but will understand, be able to interpret and even create their own prayerful expressions.
On Sundays, the 3rd and 4th grade will explore Jewish values through lifecycle moments and beyond. Using the text of Elu Devarim (These are the things that are limitless, Mishnah Peah 1:1), students will learn about Jewish values that are at the heart of our tradition. Then the curriculum will transition to Jewish values that are exemplified in our everyday world. Students will reflect on their role models, and the kinds of Jewish people they aspire to grow to be.
On Sundays, the 5th and 6th grade will learn stories from the TaNaKH and other Jewish texts that connect to the ancient Land and People of Israel. Each story will connect to a specific experience, challenge, or innovation within the Modern State of Israel. With their teachers, classmates, and families, students will begin to learn to talk about the People, Land, and the State of Israel from the history, the people, the technological developments, and of course-- the food.
Grade 7
7h graders begin the transition from children to teenagers, even as they prepare to become Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Tikkun's curriculum also makes a fundamental shift to the larger issues that derive from taking personal responsibility for their world.
7th-grade learners will focus on
Issues of tolerance - as seen through the lens of Jewish history.
Mitzvot: researching and implementing a personal mitzvah project.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation:
continuing individualized tutoring sessions.
regular meetings with Rabbi Lutz.
family Shabbaton focusing on the larger that surround bar/bat mitzvah and adolescence.
So gimme the facts ...
When will it all begin? Classes will meet Sunday mornings beginning after the High Holy Days, on September 30th.
How much will it set me back? We believe that everyone who wants a Jewish education deserves one. We also know that every family's situation is different. Therefore we will meet personally with each family to establish an equitable monthly donation.
No one will ever be turned away from Tikkun4Change over financial concerns. We are here to support each other, celebrate community and make Change possible - in your life and in the lives of others.
*The fees and costs of outside programs in which we might participate are additional as determined by the program provider.
Questions? Need more information?
Please contact us! We would love to chat ... we'll even buy you a cup of coffee ...